Board of Directors

Barbara Stewart, CFCS 

Board President,

Dr. Barbara Stewart is Professor and Chair of the Department of Human Development and Consumer Sciences at the University of Houston. Her earned degrees include Ed.D, Curriculum and Foundations, Brigham Young University; M.S. Home Economics and Consumer Education, Utah State University; and B.A Clothing and Textiles, Brigham Young University. Dr. Stewart has published and presented more than 360 scholarly works with 131 of those in the Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences and at AAFCS annual meetings. She has received $32+ million in grants and funding to support FCS research and projects. Barbara is mother of five and grandmother of eleven. Representative service to AAFCS includes:

  • President, Board of Directors, 2024-2025.
  • Chair, Council for Accreditation 2023-2024.
  • Board, Assembly of Higher Education 2023-2024.
  • Board, Collegiate Assembly 2023-2024.
  • Chair-Elect, Council for Accreditation 2022-2023.
  • Council for Accreditation, American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, 2021-2024.
  • Chair, Assembly of Higher Education, 2019-2021.
  • Co-Chair, AAFCS Leadership Academy Planning Committee 2013-2024
  • Member, National Taskforce for Program Advancement in Family and Consumer Sciences, 2002-2009; 2021-2023.
  • Secretary 2006-2009.
  • Mentor Leadership Academy 2012-2021.
  • Chair-Elect, Assembly of Higher Education 2017-2019.
  • Chair, Colleges and Universities Section 2002-2004.
  • Editor, Research Applications in Family and Consumer Sciences, American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences 2001-2003.
  • Chair-Elect, Colleges and Universities Section 2001-2002.
  • Vice-Chair, Colleges and Universities Section 1999-2001.
  • Chair, Public Affairs Committee 1996-1997.
  • Planning Committee, Washington Weekend, Public Policy Seminar, American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences 1996-1997.
  • Chair, Public Affairs Pre-Annual Meeting Workshop 1996.

Joined AAFCS: 1980 

Favorite AAFCS Moment: Serving as a founding member (2013-2024) of the AAFCS Leadership Academy is most satisfying because it encourages leadership in FCS professionals for the future of AAFCS. 

Cara Simmons, CFCS 

Board President Elect,

Dr. Cara Winston Simmons began working in the field of family and consumer sciences in 2014 when she became director of the Student Success and Advising Center (SSAC) at the University of Georgia (UGA) in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) until her recent appointment to director of the UGA Office for Student Success and Achievement in March 2023.

In the SSAC, Dr. Simmons provided leadership to prospective student recruitment, new student orientation, academic advising, internships, retention, career development, instruction, student involvement and leadership, experiential learning, and support services initiatives such as Bulldog Basics. In her current role, she leads various student success focused initiatives.

In FACS, she served as an adjunct faculty member, assistant to the dean for leadership development and diversity, and is a graduate faculty member in the UGA Mary Frances Early College of Education. She remains as courtesy faculty in UGA FACS. 

She transformed the teaching and instruction of FACS 2000, Introduction to Family and Consumer Sciences, that introduces the discipline and Body of Knowledge to undergraduate students. The course transformation is featured in the 2022-2023 AAFCS webinar series.

An active member of the Georgia affiliate, Dr. Simmons has served as President, President-Elect, Student Unit Advisor, Counselor, a Nominating Committee, and Chair of the inaugural Committee on Diversity and Inclusion. In 2023, she received the Georgia affiliate Leader Award which recognizes Family and Consumer Sciences professionals who have made significant contributions to the field through their involvement in AAFCS.

Joined AAFCS: 2014

Favorite AAFCS Moment: The 2024 conference was a whirlwind of learning, laughter, and connection, but one moment stands out as a true favorite: serving on the Bridging the Gap panel. It wasn't just about sharing my own experience, but the opportunity to learn from my fellow panelists, especially those newer to the profession. Their fresh perspectives and enthusiasm were inspiring, and it solidified my belief in the bright future of our field. 

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Landon Calderwood, CFCS-HDFS


Born and raised on the family heritage corn and pig farm in rural Iowa, Landon grew up with the understanding of the importance of a hard work ethic, family connection, and developing essential life skills.

As a student member of AAFCS, Landon served three terms on the National Student Unit Leadership Team as Chair Elect, Chair, and Immediate Past Chair and Counselor to the Student Unit.

Landon earned a B.S. degree in Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies (FCEDS) with a concentration in Professional Studies from Iowa State University. He intends to further his education to focus on community and program development in the human services and non-profit industries.

As a professional member, Landon served as the AAFCS Awards Committee Chair, and currently serves on the AAFCS Board of Directors as a Director-at-Large.

Landon currently serves as the Campus Visits Coordinator with the Iowa State University College of Human Sciences Undergraduate Recruitment office in Ames, Iowa where he meets with prospective students and shares more about the many programs offered in the college, and advises the college student ambassador program. Previously, Landon worked with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach as the County Youth Coordinator in Marshall County, and as the Youth Outreach Coordinator in West Pottawattamie County.

In his free time, Landon enjoys helping out on the family farm, volunteering wherever he can, baking (all of the best baking happens after 10 pm), playing the pipe organ, and playing with his dog, Tarlo.

Joined AAFCS: 2017

Favorite AAFCS Moment: Traveling to my first AAFCS National Conference in Atlanta, GA. This was my first time traveling out of state alone, which was a bit daunting, but I made so many great connections at that conference that have helped me get to where I am today as a professional and as a member of AAFCS. 

Deborah Handy, CFCS 


Deborah J. Handy is the Interim Chair and a Scholarly Professor in the Department of Human Development at Washington State University (WSU). She serves as the Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher Educator at WSU. She served as the Executive Director for Washington's affiliate of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America for 18 years. Debbie has held many leadership roles with the Washington Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. She is currently a Member-at Large of the AAFCS Board of Directors, and a member of the Coalition for Family and Consumer Sciences Education representing FCSEA. She also holds active memberships in FCSEA, ACTE, and LeadFCS Ed. Debbie leads many Say Yes to FCS activities in Washington state.

Joined AAFCS: 1982

Favorite AAFCS Moment: The first day of any national conference when I get to reunite with friends and colleagues from across the country. 

Margaret Jenkins, CPFFE


Margaret Jenkins is an Associate Professor, Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS), at The Ohio State University Extension based in Clermont County. Her work includes topics such as leadership development, health and wellness, food insecurity and family financial wellness. Jenkins serves as Leader for LOOK to Ohio Youth Leadership Signature Program; developed Accounting for Your Money Hope Chest, a money management tool for individuals to use when economic challenges occur; performed as Principal Investigator for positive youth development Health Rocks Program; and teaches diabetes self-management strategies using the National Dining With Diabetes Program (NDWD).

Jenkins believes societal change is a constant and service to our professional organizations provides the pathway for informing organizational policy to address emergent personal and family needs and issues. She has served on the Board of the Ohio Association of Family and Consumer Sciences for six years in various positions; and currently, serves as the 2020-2023 affiliate Past President. The highlight of her service is the development of the Ohio Alliance for People-Centered Sciences. Three Ohio affiliates of national FCS professional organizations have unified to offer professional development and advocacy opportunities for their members. The Ohio Alliance for FCS provided testimony that guided the successful addition of ½ financial literacy credit requirement for Ohio’s high school graduates. Jenkins is now working to add the “work of family” as a career cluster. Jenkins was installed Director at Large at the American Association for Family add Consumer Sciences Annual conference in June 2023. In addition, she serves on the leadership team as resource acquisition officer for the Dining with Diabetes National Working Group.

Joined AHEA: 1972-1990

Joined AAFCS: 2018

Favorite AAFCS Moment: Socializing with other Family and Consumer Sciences professionals at annual meeting.

Sharon Pate


Through her Ph.D. in Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Sharon has been able to pursue a career encompassing teaching, research, and service at a variety of educational levels, including Adult Education, High School, Community College, Vocational Schools, and Universities with a specialization in Fashion Merchandising/Marketing.

As a professor of Retail Marketing, her experiences include overseeing interns at Fortune 500 companies, developing and evaluating marketing strategies, and conducting service and research activities such as event management, participation in national and international committees, and university search and curriculum committees. Sharon has also spearheaded retail marketing initiatives, orientation sessions, and in-service training programs. Moreover, she has developed distance education programs with research leading to publications on social media and RFID consumer acceptance technology.

In addition to serving on the Executive Search Committee as Board Conference Liaison, Leadership Academy Mentor, and Apparel Textiles and Design Juried Showcase board member-at-large, Sharon has been involved in Board Meetings and events.
Reconnecting with AAFCS members nationwide through her service on the Board of Directors has energized her as we work towards implementing our mission according to our adopted Strategic Plan.

Joined AAFCS: 1998

Favorite AAFCS Moment: Installation as BOD member and the Lighting of the Betty Lamp

Debra K. Andres,

Counselor, Immediate Past President, Ex-Officio, 2024-2025

Family & Consumer Sciences has been in Deb's blood since her teens (and before!) She took all the Home Economics classes she could in high school, served in several FHA officer roles, became a senior student aid in the Home Ec. classroom, and designed her first scope and sequence that year – 1984. Deb graduated from Kansas State University in Vocational Home Economics Education with a vocational education endorsement. Since then, her FCS journey has been like a super-highway. Deb has changed lanes several times but have always been going the right direction – food plant manufacturing manager, Extension program assistant, high school FCS teacher, JUCO academic advisor and adjunct instructor, university teacher educator, and now district FCS Extension Agent at Kansas State Research & Extension - Flint Hills District. In the midst of that, Deb got married, birthed and adopted children and completed her M.S. in Family Studies and Human Services.

Deb has been an active member of the Kansas Affiliate since 1985 and active at the national level in AAFCS since 2010. She have been blessed to meet amazing FCS colleagues, form personal and collegial relationships, and provide leadership on committees, communities, and the AAFCS Board of Directors.

Deb's husband and she has been married for over 33 years and live in the beautiful Flint Hills of Kansas. They have 4 children – one girl (deceased) and 3 adult boys. Most of their years together were spent on the family farm until her husband decided to “resign”. Together, they enjoy singing, engaging in church activities, playing cards, and traveling. Life’s good!

Joined AAFCS: 1985

Favorite AAFCS Moment: Stacking 6 AAFCS members & my 7 year old daughter in our double room in Chicago. Harriette Haley-Black and I opened our room up to 4 student members so that they wouldn't have to pay for lodging. It was crazy but so very fun and memorable! 

Karin Athanas

Executive Director 

Karin Athanas is the Executive Director of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) where she leads the strategic development and day-to-day operations. She also serves as Board member to the International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organization (ICPHSO) and the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA).

Joined AAFCS: 2023

Favorite AAFCS Moment: Working with members at the leadership summit to identify ways to promote FCS.


AAFCS Board of Directors Inducted at the 2024 AAFCS Annual Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 


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