
Published Quarterly: Winter (late February), Spring (late May), Summer (late August), Fall (late November)

  • Reach more than 4,000 readers, including subscribers, libraries, and AAFCS members
  • Leading journal in the field and a major benefit of AAFCS membership
  • Contemporary magazine-like format with appealing 4-color covers
  • Required or recommended reading by of university FCS programs!

Advertising Rates & Sizes

Inside 1 issue 2 issues 4 issues
Full page     $500 $750 $1,500 7¾ x 10⅜
1/2 page (h)     $300 $450 $900 7½ x 4⅞
1/4 page     $200 $300 $600 3½ x 4⅞

*Four-color included in rates. Journal trim size is 8.25 x 10.875 (with text and graphics a minimum of ½" away from the edge) with bleeds extending a minimum of ¼" on all sides.

Artwork Specifications

Preferred format: PDF, and PDF/X-1a created with PostScript from the native application. Accepted file formats: TIFF, EPS 

Closing Dates for JFCS Issues

Contact here for the closing dates.

Digital Advertising Options

Webinar Sponsor

Be the AAFCS’ official Webinar Sponsor for 2024. Recognized all webinars hosted by AAFCS throughout 2024 (min. 6 webinars).


Banner Ad on the AAFCS Website

Grab a banner ad on our newly designed website for only $350 a month. More than 20,000 home page views per month.


Promotional Blast Email

You write the copy, and we will send out your message to our full membership list. The email message must be approved by AAFCS in advance. Recommendation of 700 words, or about 5-7 paragraphs. We will provide stats ~10 days after the message.


AAFCS MATTERS! Advertising

The AAFCS bi-monthly newsletter is sent to over 3,000 subscribers with more subscribing each day. Provide a 250-word announcement or banner ad to AAFCS. We will work with you to schedule your ad!


Email AAFCS with questions.