
Establishing a FCS Career Cluster - The draft is out

By AAFCS Team posted 6 days ago


Family and Consumer Sciences Left Out of the Draft Advance CTE National Career Cluster Framework.


Supporters, Advance CTE recently published their draft Framework, and they have again left FCS off of the draft National Career Cluster Framework. Their rationale for the decision is specious at best and their comments on the value of Family and Consumer Sciences as a career path for students demonstrate that they have not done their homework as they still do not understand our profession, our careers, and our industry. We as professionals, supporters, and collaborators in the Family and Consumer Sciences - and those other clusters that have been demoted and/or left out - need to join together to respond in force to Advance CTE.


Click here to watch my recorded response to the Advance CTE announcement and webinar.


AAFCS members met during the recent 2024 Annual Conference and shared ideas and next steps for responding to the Advance CTE validation survey, for contacting our legislative representatives, and our local administrators. 

How you can help:

1. Respond to the Advance CTE Validation Survey, use the data provided by AAFCS and others, and tell them your story of the value of FCS as a Good Job with opportunities for advancement and success. (The Advance CTE webinar on the new framework can be found here.) (Click here to see the draft framework.

--> Please consider sharing your responses to the survey with AAFCS so that we can share them through our website. ( We can remove your contact details to provide you with anonymity, but it's critical we leave Advance CTE with no opportunity to hide, withhold, or refuse to release the results of the validation survey and the feedback of our industry. <--

2. Reach out to your legislators and ask them to contact Advance CTE on your behalf to ask for FCS to be included as its own Career Cluster.

3. Send a personal message to Advance CTE's Executive Director, Associate Director: State Policy, and Board of Directors today. 

Resource: Advance CTE Board and Staff Contact List

Resource: Draft Letter to Advance CTE

4. Reach out to your state's FCS administrator(s) and ask them to add FCS as a career cluster in your state. Let them know that AAFCS is here to help them implement the cluster to ensure its success. 


Items 2 and 3 can be completed in two steps by first clicking the button below and second, using our easy interactive advocacy platform to enter your details and click submit. 

We can do this together, we can accomplish anything together. Please join me in pushing for FCS to remain a critical provider of student skills training and the development of future FCS professionals. 

