AAFCS Annual Conference

For decades, AAFCS has gathered professionals, pre-professionals, and emeritus members and non-members from around the world at its Annual Conferences. AAFCS is proud to be the only professional association representing members from both multiple FCS practice settings and content areas. The Annual Conference is an opportunity to advance the mission of AAFCS to elevate the profession by inspiring research, leadership, and service to empower individuals, families and communities.

Learn More About AAFCS

High quality professional development and networking opportunities for members and non-members is at the core of the Annual Conference. The conference objectives help provide a framework for the content to be addressed at and included in the 2025 Annual Conference


The 2025 Annual Conference offers high-quality professional development and opportunities to: 

  • Address issues and challenges impacting individuals, families and communities.

  • Engage in critical dialogue and networking to build and strengthen relationships.

  • Showcase the high-quality research and scholarship of FCS students and professionals.

  • Explore emerging topics, technology, and advancements in the FCS field.

  • Promote lifelong learning and continuing education in FCS content areas.

  • Embrace a commitment to create inclusive environments, promote equitable practices and ensure access for all individuals within the organization


Through its educational sessions, AAFCS is on target to provide high quality professional development and networking opportunities in the following areas:   

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access.

  • Advocacy, Leadership and Collaboration.

  • Research and Scholarship.

  • Technology and Trends  

  • Support and Resources for Emerging Professionals

Reviewer Applications Due

Volunteer to be a peer reviewer! Help us design the content for the 2025 AAFCS Annual Conference. Applications close Oct 14!

Reviewer Responsibilities: 

  • Agree to review 5-7 proposals on the MyAAFCS portal. 
  • Identify the tracks that you are willing to review. 
  • Complete scoring rubric for each submission by Nov 30. 

Apply Now

Hotel Information 

Kansas City Marriott Downtown
200 West 12th Street

Kansas City, MO 64105, US

Stay Tuned for the Room Block to Open!

Exhibit at AAFCS in Kansas City!

The AAFCS offers multiple opportunities at the Annual Conference and year-round for you to amplify your impact and outreach to the Family and Consumer Sciences. 

More Information Coming Soon!

Registration for the AAFCS 2025 Annual Conference is currently closed.

Stay tuned for registration to open!